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Yo-kai Watch Collaboration Event Reminder

Samurai Jack 0 comments

The collaboration event between Yo-kai Watch and FINAL FANTASY XIV will be ending on Monday, October 3, 2016 at 7:59 a.m. (PDT). Don't miss this chance to befriend the Yo-kai and obtain special collaborative weapons, minions, and mounts!

Read on for details.

Changes to Allagan Tomestones

Samurai Jack 0 comments

Patch 3.4 will see a number of changes to tomestone currency, including the introduction of a new Allagan tomestone, and the removal of Allagan tomestones of law. We ask that any players currently carrying Allagan tomestones of law please exchange them for Allagan tomestones of esoterics prior to the scheduled maintenance for patch 3.4.

Read on for details.

The Rising

Samurai Jack 0 comments

Saturday, August 27, 2016 marks the third anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XIV! To celebrate this momentous occasion, we'll be holding a special in-game event: The Rising.

Players will have the chance to receive special minions and a number of commemorative items, so don't miss this chance to celebrate three years of adventure in Eorzea!

Read on for details.

Patch 3.38 Notes

Samurai Jack 0 comments

Patch 3.38 Notes

Patch 3.38 brings a number of additions and refinements to the realm, including adjustments to the anima weapon and more!

View the patch notes.
Jig Saw A Wild Jig Appears.
Samurai Jack Triple Triad Tournament:
Winner: Harry Hood (Bluebird, Dravinian Tree, VIT V)

Jumbo Captpot: Raz (1.6M)

Chocobo Racing: Allanna is the Queen!
Samurai Jack Triple Triad Results:
Winner: Samurai Jack (Toy Box)

Jumbo Cactpot: Vercelia (600K), Lucias (Mog Chandelier)

Chocobo Racing: Allanna (Bragging Rights), Illis (Stuffed Chocobo)
Samurai Jack Website Changes:
FC Storage now separated by item type.
Samurai Jack FC Storage Deposit:
99 x Deep Red Clusters
99 x Empty Clusters
99 x Cassia Logs
Samurai Jack FC Storage Deposit:
99 x Cassia Logs
Samurai Jack FC Storage Deposit:
15 x Dzemael Tomatoe Seeds
53 x Prickly Pineapple Seeds
31 x Honey Lemon Seeds
Samurai Jack Website Changes:
Added Pages: FC Specialists, FC Desynthesis, FC Storage, FC Bank History
Added to Navbar: FC Links
Samurai Jack FC Storage: Added 99 x Red Clusters
Samurai Jack FC Storage: Added 99 x Empty Crystals, 99 x Empty Clusters
Samurai Jack FC Storage: Added Bronco Hull, Bronco Rig, Bronco Forecastle, Bronco Aftcastle, Invincible Hull, Invincible Rig, Invincible Aftcastle, Tatanora Forecastle
Samurai Jack FC Storage: Added 99 x Cassia Logs
Scyrus Ahmosae Warrior Guide


[FFXIV] How to Warrior: The One Man Army

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